The Most Hilarious Wedding Photos Ever Caught on Camera


A wedding day is supposed to be one of the most memorable days in a couple’s life. And it’s true for most people! Still, some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here’s a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.



59. Country Wedding

Dirt isn’t necessarily the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a wedding, but this couple definitely has their own definition of wedding fun. First, you put on your best and whitest wedding gown. Then you make sure your hubby is sporting the cleanest suit possible.

Next, you find the wettest pit filled with dirt, take your husband by the hand, and make the most memorable wedding photo in the world.

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

It’s hard to imagine why would anyone want to bathe in the dirt on their wedding day, but it does look kind of fun! And the people around seem to be having the best time ever, too.



58. Your Chariot is on Fire, M’lady

How do things end up like this? The bride and groom, stranded on the side of the road, with their car in flames behind them.

Are they simply posing in front of a random car that caught fire? Not very likely, considering it’s all white and festive. Then it is indeed their wedding car and the poor couple got stuck on the road without a ride back home.

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

It’s not likely they could repair their car and move on, but we really hope they caught a ride and went on celebrating their very special day!



57. And Down She Goes

Did you know that wedding photosessions can be really dangerous? Well, no, we are kidding, but there is some truth to it. Whether it’s a weird location chosen by the photographer or some unique venue the bride wants to take photos in, a wedding photosession can easily go south at any given moment.

Now that you’ve looked through dozens of wedding photo fails you know very well that brides and water don’t mix well. They just don’t!

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

If you want a disaster to happen, then go ahead a make a wedding photosession near a huge body of water – the sea or a lake will do just perfectly. Then just grab your camera and wait for it to happen!



56. Let Me Handle It

Wedding is such an important event that it’s easy to get all stressed out about it. You have to think about literally everything – from the car you’ll be driving to get to the wedding ceremony to the plates and glasses your guests will be using at the wedding party.

For some people, wedding can turn into a real nightmare, especially when one or two things suddenly go wrong and there’s no Plan B. It seems this is exactly what happened here!

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

This couple was happily driving to their wedding ceremony, but alas, their car broke mid-way. What to do in this situation? Well, it seems that the bride has everything under control!



55. Watch Your Hands

This wedding photo may seem perfectly normal at first, but then you start noticing various details. For example, look at the boy on the left in a white suite – why is he wearing shoes that are bigger then his feet?

It almost seems those shoes belong to an adult! Maybe that’s why his face is so gloomy. But there’s an even weirder detail to be found here. Take a look at the groom and the woman beside him. Do you notice his hand?

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

Yep, his wife is standing right beside him, holding their baby girl, but the groom hand is casually resting on another woman’s bums!



54. Fashion Faux Pas

Somehow, we are used to thinking that wedding gowns should be long, white, and puffy. It’s the classical image most of us have grown up watching in movies and TV shows.

Well, if you look at royal weddings they also tend to go for the traditional white dresses. But not all people share the love to that kind of fashion!

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

Some ladies choose to wear incredibly revealing dresses for their wedding day, probably thinking this way it will be even more memorable. Well, they aren’t wrong! But do you really want everyone remember your wedding just because you showed too much skin?



53. When All Hell Breaks Loose

It seems that weddings and big bodies of water don’t mix too well. Whether it’s just a small pool, a river, or a huge lake – if there’s water around chances are someone will get drenched by the end of the evening.

That’s exactly what happened to this wedding party! The photographer wanted to create a picturesque shot on the lake, but the wooden pier couldn’t hold all the people, collapsing under the bride and groom.

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

When planning a wedding it’s best to stay as far away from the water as possible. Plan your wedding after-party in a park or in the mountains – anything is better than a beach that can get stormy or a lake with breaking piers!



52. A Proper Russian Wedding

No one really knows what a proper Russian wedding looks like, but apparently, it involves a bear! As much as we don’t like stereotypes, it seems that the one about Russians and bears is spot on. Just look at this happy trio!

While this wedding photo looks kind of cute (and a little bit scary) we don’t advise anyone to try this at your own wedding because so many things could go wrong here. A bear is a wild animal and not some party trick to impress your guests.

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

That being said, this photo does look impressive! We can’t help but wonder whether the guests were just as shocked to see the bear at the wedding ceremony as we were. Maybe for them, it’s as ordinary as taking your dog to a party!



51. The Background Madness

No matter how hard we try to create the perfect setting for a wedding there are so many things that could go wrong at any moment. Seriously, the world is full of weirdness and you never know when some huge Bigfoot will pop up out of nowhere!

This couple was going for a peaceful wedding ceremony and the priest was about to read their vows when crazy things started happening… Nah, we’re kidding, it’s probably all Photoshopped. But this doesn’t mean that this couldn’t happen in real life, too!

Some weddings turn out to be more unusual than others with all kinds of mishaps happening all at once. Wedding rings get lost, brides fall from horses, weather destroys the whole setting… So many things could go wrong! And most of the time they do. Here's a collection of hilarious wedding photos that will definitely make your day.

Weddings seem to draw all kinds of unusual situations and mishaps. If you are really scared that something would go wrong, chances are that some fails will happen. The best thing you can do on this day is to just chill and enjoy it as much as possible.