15 Celebrity Heartthrobs – See How They’ve Changed Over The Years! (3 of 4)

Enrique Iglesias

Enrique Iglesias Eyes, Forehead, Chin, Hairstyle, Eyebrow, Beard, Neck, Fashion, Jaw, Sleeve, Flash photography

When he was younger, you’ve probably watched his Hero music video so many times. These days he’s still easy on the eyes.



Jesse Bradford

Jesse Bradford And Diane Gaeta, Joint, Smile, Shoulder, White, Muscle, Neck, Sleeve, Gesture

Still as lovable as ever.



Zac Efron

Zac Efron Then Vs Now, Forehead, Chin, Hairstyle, Smile, Muscle, Sports equipment, Neck, Jaw, Sleeve, Gesture

A charmer in High School Musical, he’s decided to bleach his hair these days and it’s not boding very well.



Orlando Bloom


As an elf in Lord of the Rings, he was an absolute heartthrob, while also adorable. These days he has a fantastic dad-bod instead.