The 10 Year Challenge: 20 Celebs in Pics from 2009 and 2019 (4 of 4)


16. Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga, Hair, Head, Lip, Hairstyle, Eyelash, Ear

Lady Gaga Grammys 2017, Lip, Vision care, Eyebrow, Lipstick, Eyelash, Goggles, Flash photography, Sunglasses, Eyewear

Lady Gaga has had more looks than we can even remember, but she’s always been attention-grabbing, as evidenced by these snaps. Does she look better now, or ten years ago? We’ll let you be the judge of that. Either way, she still looks damn cool and is producing music and acting work that’s out of this world. Yep, you guessed it, we’re big fans here.



17. Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson 2009, Hair, Smile, Shoulder, Waist

Stage, Microphone, Blue, Purple, Flash photography

A former reality show star and now superstar in her own right, Kelly Clarkson has always been a little larger than most of the stunners found on these pages, but doesn’t she still just look great though? She’s always looked healthy and happy, and she actually looks to have lost a little weight if this recent snap is anything to go by. What a hottie.



18. Zac Effron

Mop Top Hairstyle Zac Efron, Forehead, Smile, Tie, Sleeve, Dress shirt, Gesture

Zac Efron, Forehead, Hair, Nose, Cheek, Chin, Hairstyle, Eyebrow, Facial expression, Beard, Organ

Another child star who has developed to be a proper hunk. This one could be seen a mile off, to be fair, but it’s nice to see our Zac, while he’s grown up, hasn’t lost any of his boyish charm. A+ from us!



19. Rihanna

Rihanna December 2009, Hair, Smile, Joint, Skin, Head, Lip, Hairstyle, Arm, Shoulder, Facial expression

Original Rihanna, Cheek, Lip, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Flash photography

Yes, honestly these pics are ten years apart. Crazy, isn’t it? She’s been through more than any of would ever expect in a lifetime, in the decade that separates these images, and has seemingly not aged a day. Does she have a magical mirror stored up in her loft, or something? It’s the only logical explanation.



20. Britney Spears

Awards Britney Spears 2009, Hair, Face, Smile, Head, Hairstyle, Muscle, Eyelash, Yellow, Flash photography

Britney Spears Career, Hair, Smile, Muscle, Entertainment

Britney’s troubles have also been broadcast around the globe. We don’t need to go through it all again here. She’s had dodgy periods but seriously, look at her now. Doesn’t she look great? We <3 Britney around here.