Top 7 2021 Nail Designs Trends You Must Try Out This Season! (2 of 2)


Nail Art Trends 2021, Body jewelry, Finger, Gesture

While it used to be a kid thing, it’s starting to grow on adults now and it’s growing in popularity every year. The only rule you have to keep in mind as an adult is to keep the color palette in the same family. It’s better to go for neutral-colored polishes in order to freehand different designs on each nail. If you can’t be bothered with that, getting some nail stickers will also work.



Geometric Design

Unhas Criativas, Skin, Hand, Azure, Finger, Nail polish, Gesture

Along the same lines of multi-print, you could also consider geometric designs too. You’re going to see a lot of this design, since it’s a medley of bold-colored polishes that are doodled over with various shapes on each nail. Seal it all up with a glossy top coat and you’re good.



Leopard Print

Fall Leopard Nails, Nail polish, Gesture

The leopard nail trend is another massively popular trend thanks to it’s easy application.

All you need is a nail art brush set and a few different polish shades. Make a bunch of colorful spots and seal it with a glossy top coat and you’re done.



Confetti Manicure

Nail Art, Hand, Body jewelry, Gesture

The last trend we’ve got is the confetti manicure. Not only is it cute, it’s also something that screams “please wear me to all the fun events this year!” If you want to do this yourself, all you’ve got to do is get some sheer neutral polish and after using a nail dotting tool, add the confetti to each nail.