Revisiting the absolute worst and cringiest movies of the past 60 years (4 of 12)

At Long Last Love: 1975

Long Last Love Movie Poster, Hat, Poster

There are many movies that receive a disastrous response to their films. But have you ever heard of a director who actually apologized for their creation? That’s exactly what Peter Bogdanovich did by publishing an apology in newspapers for this film.



Lipstick: 1976

Lipstick Filme, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Lipstick, Jaw, Eye liner, Poster

Lipstick is a sleazy soft adult film masquerading as a heroic feminist take on a violent crime. The movie was remembered for its rapes, sex scenes than anything else.



Exorcist II: The Heretic: 1977

Exorcist 2 The Heretic Blu Ray, Black, Human

The movie is summed up neatly with a line of a possessed person exclaiming how she was possessed by some demon and then moments later claiming that she is fine because the demon is gone!



The Swarm: 1978

Swarm 1978, Poster

This pioneer of “nature gone wild” horror stories is so bad that it is just genius. A must watch to know how to act seriously even if a swarm of bees is after you.



Caligula: 1979

Calígula Tinto Brass, Poster

Caligula tries to combine a prehistoric empire with a adult movie. And the result is disastrous.