20 Phrases You’ve Been Saying and Did Not Know Were Offensive (4 of 5)


Angry Couple, Gesture

Calling someone a ‘moron’ might be an insult now and a cause to start beef between people, but this wasn’t always the case. The term was originally a medical term referring to a mellow psychological disability.



“Mumbo jumbo”

Holding Hand Over Mouth, Forehead, Nose, Face, Hair, Joint, Skin, Head, Lip, Chin, Hand

The phrase originates from the West African god Maamajomboo, and the reason that it is considered offensive is that back in the day Mandinka men dressed up as the god himself and abused their wives as an excuse to resolve homely and private conflicts.




Embarrassed, Nose, Hair, Skin, Lip, Chin, Hand, Eyebrow, Facial expression, Eyelash, Neck

Most of us wouldn’t automatically correlate the term to the Carribiens, but guess where the word has evolved from the Canibales Tribe, also known as the Caribs located in the West Indies. Supposedly, the clan was well-known for feasting on each other!



“Fuzzy wuzzy”

Having Awkward Conversation, Lip, Eyebrow, Smile, Flash photography, Eyelash, People in nature, Happy

Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t always the harmless bear that he is now. Earlier in the 1800s, British soldiers used the term to refer to Nomadic East African Tribes as ‘Fussy Wussies’ as a remark of their dark skin and curly hair. Later on, the offensive slang was picked up by military personnel to refer to endemic tribes from Sudan and Papa Guinea.