10 Hated Foods That Deserve a Chance

There are some foods that you either love or hate and there is rarely any middle ground. You might find certain vegetables to be too bitter. Or a particular fish is, well, too fishy. But there’s never been a better opportunity to give some of these much-disliked foods another try. Not only are they nutritious, but when paired with the right foods or prepared in a certain way, you might find that you love it! Here are 10 foods you should keep an open mind about.

Fresh green broccoli, closeup

10. Broccoli

There might not be a vegetable more universally hated than broccoli, especially when you’re a kid. But why? They look like cute little trees after all! A part of the reason is because the first few years of your life is when your taste buds are most sensitive, and therefore broccoli tastes really, really bitter. But it’s one of the healthiest foods on the planet, so you ought to make it part of your routine. Steam it and add a bit of butter, soy sauce or top it off with some roasted garlic and make it a side dish. Or add it to a stew or bake it into a ham casserole.