10 Simple Tips For Becoming A Great Cook (3 of 6)

Cooking Methods, Food, Tableware, Ingredient, Recipe, Natural foods

4. Understand the properties of each ingredient

Knowing when to add the various ingredients makes all the difference. For instance, given that mushrooms absorb the flavors of the other ingredients, you wouldn’t want it to be the first thing you put in the pan. Rather, you would want to cook the meat, onions, and other spices before adding the mushrooms. Furthermore, since it takes longer to cook potatoes than, say, spinach, you would start by cooking the first before adding the latter, otherwise you end up with the problem of overcooking the spinach but undercooking the potatoes!

Close up of a young family baking together

5. Things will get messy, and that’s okay!

It might be tempting to use gloves when you’re cooking in order to avoid the “ick” factor of handling slimy, sticky, raw chicken breast or dipping your fingers in the marinades. But it’s really the best way to cook. Just make sure to wash your hands thoroughly both before you start preparations and after you’ve finished cooking. You’re also bound to make a mess of the countertops with flour, and oil is going to splatter all over the stove. Just make sure to clean up properly when you’re done so that you don’t invite bacteria or vermin!