8 Exotic and Easy-To-Make Dishes (2 of 3)

Miso Soup, Food, Ingredient, Recipe

Miso Soup

When you think of Japanese cuisine, you probably imagine sushi or tempura, which are fairly labor-intensive dishes to prepare. But miso soup definitely is not. The key ingredient is miso, a paste made from fermented soy. Start by mixing it with a bit of hot water, pour in some more hot water, boil for 5 minutes, and toss in some tofu, nori weeds, and some spring onions. That’s all there is to it!

Grilled Pineapple Rings, Food, Flower, Plant, Ingredient, Orange, Petal

Grilled Tropical Fruits

You’ve probably grilled chicken, beef, or fish before. You might have even tossed a few bell peppers onto the grill. But what about tropical fruits? Well, it’s time to add this to your bucket list! It really adds an entirely new dimension to fruit-eating. Simply cut up some peaches, mangos, pineapples, and pears and put them on the grill for a few minutes. Add some coconut cream or homemade whipped cream with a touch of vanilla and enjoy!

Curry, Food, Tableware, Ingredient, Recipe

Lentil Dahl

Soups might not sound all that filling, but this Indian dish is a meal in and of itself! Plus, it’s super easy to make even if you have little experience with Indian cooking. Unlike other legumes, lentils require no pre-soaking either. Just put them in a pan and bring to a boil. And some spices including turmeric and salt. Saute some onions, tomatoes, and carrots in a separate skillet before adding them to the lentils. Serve with rice or naan bread and you’ll be feeling full and satisfied right after!