10 Unique (and Delicious!) Ideas For Preparing Ramen Noodles (3 of 3)

Vegetarian Food, Food, Ingredient, Staple food, Recipe, Noodle

8. Miso Ramen Bowl With Tellicherry Black Pepper Tofu

What do you do when you want something completely different, but not so weird that you’d end up spilling it out after one fork full? This miso ramen bowl, naturally! It contains not one but TWO types of mushrooms — dried shiitakes and lightly sautéed Shimeij. The tofu is made with gourmet Tellicherry peppercorns and the bok choy is glazed with miso. Add a splash of soy milk and oh my word!

Ramen Vegetables, Food, Tableware, Ingredient, Staple food, Recipe, Noodle, Rice noodles, Al dente

9. Savory Mushroom and Vegetable Ramen Soup

Is it cold outside? Do you have, like, ten minutes to spare? Savory mushroom and vegetable ramen soup is calling your name! It contains broccoli and bok choy along with tamari seasoning and spicy red flakes. Yum? Yum.

Soup, Food, Tableware, Ingredient, Recipe

10. Shoyu Ramen

If you are knowledgeable in all things ramen, you are aware that these noodles come in three typical varieties: shio, which is seasoned with salt; miso, which is flavored with, um, miso; and shoyo which can be seasoned with shoyu, soy sauce, or tamari. Do you want to know what really makes this special? That’s our secret that we would never dare share! Okay. It’s the savory plant-based sausages.