12 Foods You Can Use That Will Actually Clean Your House (3 of 3)

Salsa Ketchup, Tableware, Dishware, Food, Ingredient

Ketchup for the cleaning win

Another versatile household item is ketchup. Ketchup is highly acidic because of its tomato and vinegar content. This makes it a great choice for cleaning rusty copper, silverware, and brass items.

Bawang Bombay, Food, Onion, Plant, Ingredient, Natural foods

Onions for grill cleaning

Not only do onions taste great on the grill, but they can clean it too. Burn off the leftovers on your grill and scrape an onion against the grill. This will apparently dissolve any excess meat or sauce and marinade.

Vinegar Pouring, Food, Tableware, Ingredient, Fluid, Cup

Vinegar to soften fabric

Many people use vinegar as a cleaning solution. But few know that it can actually be useful in laundry. Use vinegar as a fabric softener by adding in a fourth of a cup to replace traditional fabric softener.

Cream Of Tartar, Liquid

Cream of Tartar for versatile cleaning

Cream of Tartar is a common household product that is actually great for cleaning many things, especially metals like brass, pots, and pans. It can also help restore dirty linens to their former bright appearance.