These Moms Turn Boring Food Into Real Edible Art (3 of 3)

Amina Ooi

Another Malaysian mommy creates colorful, fanciful, and healthy meals for her daughters. She started turning food into fun artworks when pregnant with her second daughter. She wanted to help her eldest daughter eat healthily and independently. Back in 2011 she started posting photos of her creative food artworks on Instagram, and today she has 584 000 followers.

Anne Widya

Anne Widya from Honk Kong has 4 kids, and she knows very well how hard it can sometimes be to get children to eat right. Anne says that, while her kids love how cute the food is, they have no problem eating it. To prepare fun and creative breakfast meals for her kids, it takes her around 45-60 minutes for 4 plates. The more details she put on the plates, the earlier she have to wake up in the morning. But her reward is definitely worth the efforts.