How To Find Meaning In Your Job And Work Happily (2 of 4)

Collaboration, Hand, Table, Smile, Product, Computer, Gesture

Understand Your Values

Values have become more and more important in the workspace in recent years. We no longer want people with a very specific set of talents like Liam Neeson in “Taken,” we want people that share the company values and want to work towards a mutual goal. If you know what you want in life and what your true values are, you can find ways to use your job to reach those values. And if you can’t, it’ll be a clear sign that you need to find something else to do 40 hours a week!

Happy At Work, Smile, Table, Furniture, Plant, Window, Computer, Personal computer, Comfort, Gesture

Understand Why You Work

While work will often get annoying and stale, we rarely ever work for work. You work to pay a mortgage, to get your kid to college, to save up for that nice house abroad that you can spend the summer in, … And even in your job itself, it never hurts to have something that drives you. Do you like the challenge? Is it the social contact? Are you developing yourself at the rate you want to? There has to be some reason why you do what you do and by keeping an eye on that you can be a lot happier at work.