13 Smart Ways To Help You Earn A Little Extra Cash (2 of 3)


5. Take part in surveys

 Hand, Computer, Laptop, Personal computer, Flash photography

You may have received emails asking you to complete surveys to earn Paytm money. While you may have considered this to be a scam at some point in time, there are genuine websites that will really pay you. Websites such as SurveyMonkey, pay you really well to complete surveys and can be a great way to earn extra cash. While it fetches you money, it helps companies understand their products better and work on them individually to improve consumer satisfaction. They may also pay you in the form of gift cards.



6. Don’t waste those leftovers

Slim And Lite, Food, Tableware, Ingredient, Recipe

As odd as this sounds, there is an app that allows you to click photographs of the food you have left which will be picked up by someone who likes it. This is extremely useful for those who cook large portions but don’t need as much. The app for this is called Leftoverswap. It is a great app that helps reduce the wastage of food.



7. Food delivery

Food Delivery Driver, Joint, Hand, Shoulder, Sleeve, Gesture

One of the best jobs for you to do in your spare time is to deliver food to people and make them happy. If you are the owner of a two-wheeler or a car, then you can sign up on DoorDash and deliver food for them. This is an easy way to get yourself some money and provides for a lot of flexibility. All you need is a basic background check and good driving skills.



8. Cooking and Baking

Catering Event Management, Food, Tableware, Table, Furniture, Dishware, Ingredient, Plate, Orange, Cuisine

Working as a caterer allows you the flexibility no other job does and you are paid well. This doesn’t require commitment either and you can work according to your own convenience. It also helps in networking and allows you to meet people who may fund your future catering projects.