Top 8 Skills in Demand in the Job Market Right Now (3 of 3)

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7. Social Media Skills

It doesn’t really sound like a job, but in our current world, it really is. Influencers are the people that decide things like music, fashion, art, and even politics to some extent. And while one might argue that Ché Guevara was more important than Dua Lipa, I’m pretty sure that many young people alive today would disagree and would only let the latter influence their voting habits. Whether that’s a good or bad evolution matters very little – social media skills are in demand and can make you a lot of money.

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8. Management and Leadership

Today’s business world has a horrible lack of actual leaders. Leadership qualities are hard to learn since they’re heavily tied to your personality, but if you do have what it takes, you can pretty much get a job wherever you want. Being a leader is more than just telling people what to do, but being able to properly manage a company or a team will lead to an amazing return for your company and develop you further as a person.