How To Create A Budget You’ll Truly Stick To (3 of 4)

Record Everything

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This works great with those who are detail-oriented, of course, but even if you’re not, this can still be in handy in some situations. You have traditional methods with spreadsheets, pen and paper, but we find apps to be superior. There are many spending tracker apps around that help you get into the habit of recording transactions.

It forces you to be diligent about it, which is beneficial, since this is what’ll help you stick to your budget.



Have An App For It

Board Report

Some other apps to consider are your basic budgeting apps. Some of the them can even help you set up a budget. What’s also nice is that some of them can connect to bank and credit card accounts and will track all the expenditures. You can even set them up to send you notifications when you are approaching your limits.



Set Up A Spending Account

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Another popular option is to dedicate an entire account to spending. Since there is online banking now, it’s easy for you to open a second account and set it up in such a way where 20% of your pay goes into a savings account, while the other 80% sits in an account you can spend from.

This is nice, as it ensures you’re not overspending on things and it allows you to check to see how much money you’ve got left to spend too.

The only thing to consider as well are banking fees – if applicable. Some banks charge no fees at all, but do check with your bank to see if there are any. In most cases, using a debit card many times or having reoccurring direct deposits of a certain amount will remove those fees.